Ise Jingu

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Ise Shrine (照片由: mTaira /

Located in Mie Prefecture, the Ise Grand Shrine is a Shinto shrine dedicated to the sun goddess. Supposedly, the shrine or “Jingu” as it is commonly called, is home to the Sacred Mirror; this mirror was the one that drew Amaterasu from hiding and brought light back to the world. In reality, Ise Jingu is a complex of shrines centered around two main shrines, Naiku and Geku.



1 Ujitachicho, Ise, Mie 516-0023 (路线)


5:00 - 18:00 现正开放


星期一 5:00 - 18:00
星期二 5:00 - 18:00
星期三 5:00 - 18:00
星期四 5:00 - 18:00
星期五 5:00 - 18:00
星期六 5:00 - 18:00
星期天 5:00 - 18:00
假期 5:00 - 18:00




  • 问询柜台
  • 免费导游/小册子


The inner and outer shrines are some 6 kilometers apart, therefore it's recommended that you visit by bus. Buses depart from Ujiyamada and Iseshi stations.





Oharai-machi (おはらい町) is a small traditional town that prospered outside the gates of the entrance of Ise Jingu Shrine — Japan's most sacred shrine. As a traditional approach, it spans almost one kilometer in length and is lined with a variety of shops and restaurants.

三重 距离0.9千米
Meoto Iwa

Meoto Iwa

In Mie Prefecture, not far from the city of Futami, which belongs to the city of Ise, are the Meoto Iwa rocks, which are also called" The Married Rocks ". These two sacred rocks in the sea near the coast are not far from the Futami-Okitama Shrine, the Ryuugu Shrine and also near the famous Ise Shrine itself. The two rocks are connected with a so-called Shimenawa. This is a ritual rope made of rice straw. This fact gave them the nickname "The Married Rocks" In the belief of the Shinto religion, these two rocks represent the union of the pair of gods Izanagi and Izanami, who, according to legend, are the two central gods "Kami" in the myth of the origin of Japan.

三重 距离8千米


Ting Shao

如果说起日本旅行中最期待的食物的话,早已在心中拟好的列表中的前几位一定会出现日本点心类吧。软糯的三色丸子,甜腻的豆沙大福,香脆的酱香仙贝都是旅客印象中日本点心类的代表之作。但事实上,除了这些我们常见的点心外,从日本的最北端的北海道再到最南端的冲绳,都有着我们所不熟知的或色味俱佳,或风味独特的,有着当地魅力的点心。 4年一度举行的点心博览会的历史可以追溯到明治44年(1911年)举行的第一次帝国点心糖果品尝会。品尝会后因战争的影响一时中断了开办,但在全国的点心店的热烈要求下,终于恢复,现在已持续了1个世纪之久。至今为止,全国已经举办了26次点心博览会,而即将在三重县伊势举办的博览会是第27次的点心博览会。 去三重县的伊势神宫参拜从日本江户时代起就是日本人民憧憬的“国内旅行”,也是日本最早的“国内旅行”的开始。此次的点心博览会就是在伊势神宫的附近举行。 [photo id='169623'] 伊势点心博览会的区域收集了具有日本全国代表性的1800种点心。在博览会的区域中,也有日本点心的历史文化介绍的区域。博览会中8家日本有名的点心食品公司的商品介绍和小小的试吃区域也是博览会的魅力之一。除此之外,日本的点心师们所制作的点心工艺品的展区最让人为之震撼:细腻的线条和炫丽的色彩搭配让点心工艺品栩栩如生。三重县的点心师们用了1年6个月的时间准备,制造出的歌川广重(日本著名画家)创造的浮世绘中「伊勢参宮 宮川の渡り」的世界更是此次博览会的必看点之一。 [photo id='169619'] 在此次的博览会中不但可以品尝到老字号的6家和式点心店的联合茶屋中期间限定的和式点心,还可以用伊势有名的特制茶具(用伊贺烧、万古烧等烧法所制作)来品尝到伊势茶所做的抹茶。 都说吃甜食会让人充满幸福感,但过多的甜食会让人也想换换口味,尝试其他的美食。作为有着丰富物产的地方三重县,自然少不了各种名小吃的店铺。特色伊势黑蒜咖喱,漩涡香肠,松阪牛的包子等等瞬间能让人的味蕾得到释放。 如果对日本的点心有兴趣的话,那就一定不要错过点心博览会。震撼的工艺品,美味的点心和以服务精神而闻名的日本一定会让你流连忘返。 [photo id='169617'] 欲查询更多信息,请点击: 伊势点心博览会2017 伊势菓子展2017&伊势神宫・内宫 一日游 追求极致的日本之旅 -TABIDO- Japan 2 Go | 能获取各种日本情报的APP!

三重 10.8k