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Fukui's famous Tojinbo Cliffs (Photo: Larry Knipfing / JT)





冲绳 长崎 福冈 佐贺 熊本 鹿儿岛 宫崎 大分 爱媛 高知 德岛 香川 山口 广岛 冈山 鸟取 岛根 兵库 京都 大阪 和歌山 奈良 滋贺 三重 福井 石川 富山 岐阜 爱知 长野 静冈 新泻 山梨 神奈川 东京 埼玉 群马 栃木 千叶 茨城 福岛 宫城 山形 岩手 秋田 青森 北海道
Region Chubu
Island Honshu
Capital Fukui
Population 806,314
Area 4,190.43 sq. km

History buffs will find no better place in Japan to visit than Fukui Prefecture (福井県, Fukui-ken), a prefecture rich with historically and culturally important sites. The Ichijodani Asakura Ruins contain ruins from the Sengoku Period over 500 years ago, while Maruoka Castle is the oldest remaining castle in Japan today.

Furthermore, the Fukui Dinosaur Museum ranks among the most impressive of its kind in the world. But perhaps the most significant Fukui destinations are Eiheiji, one of the two main temples of Zen Buddhism, and the breathtaking Tojinbo cliffs.

Fukui is also known for its good food. Snow crab and mackerel are enjoyed by many in Japan, while the famous Koshi Hikari brand of rice are not only delicious as is, it also means that you can expect some great sake while you’re there.

Around Fukui
