One of the well preserved statues (Photo: Peter Sidell)


Lots of little Buddhas living on a hill

Peter Sidell   - 1分钟阅读时间

Just a couple of minutes' walk from Kannami Buddha Statues Museum, Yakushi-do is a good place to see more statues, but in their natural habitat - in the open air, in a bamboo forest on a hill behind a temple. There are 33 of them, lining a path that winds up and over and down the small hill: some are fairly well-preserved, some weathered or overgrown, a couple reduced to rubble, but it's fun to look at all the different poses and expressions, and the atmosphere is peaceful and relaxing.

Peter Sidell

Peter Sidell @peter.sidell

I came to Japan from Manchester, England in 2003, and have travelled a lot since then, around Japan and in Asia. When I'm not working, I write satire and perform stand-up comedy in and around Tokyo. Check YouTube for a taste.