The show opens with the symphony in blue. (照片由: Avery Choi)



Avery Choi   - 1分钟阅读时间


宍道湖夕陽觀景點是欣賞落日的最佳位置。 當地人稱之為'島根的色彩': 每當日落餘暉灑在新娘島上,光芒映照著湖面上時,那一片艷紅的湖水,交織著淡暗晴空,情景是何等醉人和壯麗。

在日落前20至30分鐘,您可以沿著兩公里長的湖岸長廊觀看日落。 儘管它是是日本夕陽百景之一,人潮卻通常是不擠擁的,所以你很容易找個好位置,等待完美的一刻,拍下此醉人的日落景像。


Take the "Lakeline Bus" from JR Matsue station, and get off at stop 28: Shimane Art Museum, and then walk along the lake shore promenade for 8 minutes.


查询关于Lake Shinji的资讯

Avery Choi

Avery Choi @avery.kiu.hong.choi

Like many others from Hong Kong, Japan feels like a second home to me. Having been to Japan for more than twenty times, it has never failed to surprise me with something new and exciting. As a Digital Media Arts student at the University of Surrey in the UK, I am keen on using media, particularly...