We started off from Togakushi, where we visited the famous Togakushi Shrine (Photo: Venessa Setiawan)

The Secret of Niigata

From behind the lens of a film camera

Venessa S   - 1分钟阅读时间

"Get in the car," he said while handing me one of his old film cameras. 

That pretty much summed up my entire day - I then followed my friend without asking any questions. He took me to a famous temple in Togakushi, surprised me with a Haikyo visit on the way to Niigata (that's his hobby, "abandoned building" hunting) and took me to Tsubame Onsen, near Myoko Kogen, which is a secluded Onsen on top of a mountain. How did he find these spots? Well...

"Sometimes you just need to get lost to find the secret," he added at the end of the day. 

Venessa S

Venessa S @venessa.setiawan