A stone bridge in Ohori Park Japanese Garden (Photo: Mandy Bartok)

Ohori Park Japanese Garden

A traditional garden in Fukuoka's Ohori Park

Mandy Bartok   - 1分钟阅读时间

In the southeastern corner of Fukuoka's sprawling Ohori Park, hidden away behind white plaster walls and a large wooden gate, lies the Ohori Park Japanese Garden. While young compared to many of Japan's gardens (it was only completed in 1975), it is nevertheless a beautiful example of a traditional stroll garden. Come here to wander among the perfectly sculpted pines and mini waterfalls and enjoy a moment's peace in a pocket of scenic splendor.


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Mandy Bartok

Mandy Bartok @mandy.bartok

Japan resident for 10 years, with time spent in Okinawa, Kumamoto and Tokyo.