Inside the first tunnel, 110 meters long (Photo: Tristan Scholze)

Kawachi Wisteria Tunnels Experience

Wisteria paradise up close

Tristan Scholze   - 1分钟阅读时间


Opens exclusively during the wisteria season (mid-April to mid-May) and autumn season (mid-Nov to early Dec) &ndash; see <a href="">official site schedule</a>.

Latest on Kawachi Fujien Wisteria Garden

Walking through a 110-meter tunnel of wisteria blooms is an unforgettable experience. There’s not much like it. At Kawachi Fuji-en, these are no ordinary trellises and garden gates, for the scale brings this park into the realm of real-life fairy tales. The moving fragrance of wisteria blossoms surround you on top of the impact of these vibrant colors and exquisite detail of millions upon millions of flowers that seem to reach down from the sky for you and you alone—serenity is at your fingertips. You can also watch it here.

河内藤園—Kawachi Fuji-en—Kawachi Wisteria Garden


查询关于Kawachi Fujien Wisteria Garden的资讯

Tristan Scholze

Tristan Scholze @tristan.scholze

I'm also known as Faer Out. I love learning about people and nature. I've traveled around the world and throughout Japan, and I hope to continue seeing and experiencing the wonder of this planet as long as I live.Based in Japan for nearly two decades, I'm a Japan Travel expert for Fukuoka and Sag...